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It's really just a hypothesis I can't back up with anything more than Equivamp's past as an EDiot/lolcow but I figure she probably has a few buddies on a Discord server somewhere and I'm just one of a handful of people (because it's not like that many people even regularly comment or contribute to this site) that whenever they comment they immediately go "OMG he's at it again!", regardless of the fucking content of said comment. That's just the way the internet is nowadays and I've been on both sides of that wall. Then I grew up and made it a point to at least try to adopt a policy of more or less total non-engagement with people that don't really want to have actual discussions as much as preen and posture at someone else's expense for as long as they can get away with it.

It's easier said than done and it'd help if I didn't have to see that stupid fucking avatar in these comments sections. It'd be nice if a block function was really a block function and people that've pissed you off to the point that you're all but certain you'd never change your mind about them were completely out of sight, out of mind.

I think I understand now why social media's killed older formats like forums and comments sections and the like. I really miss the old-web but it was probably inevitable that these kinds of people were going to shit it up to the point nobody wanted to use it anymore and preferred the echo-chamber to the hive.


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