Third option, here, but, uh, what if there's, you know, nothing wrong?
Now, if you want to influence it in a certain direction that you'd prefer to its current state, super, but, uh, maybe just don't jump in what is basically the tail end of a decades long conversation and be all like "you guys are doing this all wrong; luckily for you I'm here to tell you what you need to fix!" You see why that might rub people the wrong way.
Granted, furry isn't perfect, and I certainly understand it's not living up to whatever "ideal furry" you guys have in mind, but you know what, it's not living up to mine either. But here's the thing, guys; I've been working on changing it for the last decade, and I'm just now getting to the point where I can look at certain things and go "huh, that got better just the way I wanted it to!"* So if you want to change something, you gotta realize that you're not the only one trying to change it; the furry fandom is the way it is because a lot of people have worked to make it that way.
Once again, if you want to work on "improving" the furry fandom, super. Knock yourself out. But expect pushback. Duh.
Also, everything else aside, maybe making spectacles of yourself in a small, out of the way website's comments every other week ... maybe not the best strategy. Just a thought.
*Of course, the real kick in the nuts is that I have no idea if this change is due to my actions or it was just going to happen anyway.
Third option, here, but, uh, what if there's, you know, nothing wrong?
Now, if you want to influence it in a certain direction that you'd prefer to its current state, super, but, uh, maybe just don't jump in what is basically the tail end of a decades long conversation and be all like "you guys are doing this all wrong; luckily for you I'm here to tell you what you need to fix!" You see why that might rub people the wrong way.
Granted, furry isn't perfect, and I certainly understand it's not living up to whatever "ideal furry" you guys have in mind, but you know what, it's not living up to mine either. But here's the thing, guys; I've been working on changing it for the last decade, and I'm just now getting to the point where I can look at certain things and go "huh, that got better just the way I wanted it to!"* So if you want to change something, you gotta realize that you're not the only one trying to change it; the furry fandom is the way it is because a lot of people have worked to make it that way.
Once again, if you want to work on "improving" the furry fandom, super. Knock yourself out. But expect pushback. Duh.
Also, everything else aside, maybe making spectacles of yourself in a small, out of the way website's comments every other week ... maybe not the best strategy. Just a thought.
*Of course, the real kick in the nuts is that I have no idea if this change is due to my actions or it was just going to happen anyway.