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I've openly disagreed with you probably at least half a dozen times on here, mainly about what's really wrong with the fandom. Generally, I try not to be an asshole about it, though I try not to exactly mince words either. So you probably never took it as an attack, so it doesn't stand out as much. So I don't really have a problem with you, I just don't agree with you all the time. The kinds of people I have a problem with, they just get off on being assholes for its own sake. If they had any higher purpose it'd have been made evident by now through their own words and conduct. I'm trying to improve that for my part because, frankly, I feel pretty fucking low whenever I stoop to their level, which is probably the entire point on their end. I think if one were to apply Occam's Razor here, they're basically attention whores. They were having fun before, but now they're getting salty because I'm not playing ball with them the way they want.


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