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So I think that's twice you've insinuated me and Sonikku are a couple. Based on what? Because I don't join in on the juvenile dog-piling (and hell, I probably have on a few occasions) any time he posts? I've told the guy plenty of times when I think he's misguided or flat-out wrong, but I don't play these stupid little games like you and the small handful (and I do mean you could count them literally on one hand) of users who monopolize the comments section (and probably drive others away). I guess that's not good enough for some assholes. The kind who call themselves Christians while not even trying to live it, unless homophobic humor counts.

But yeah I could think of a more fitting pair than me and Sonikku.

You and Genesius. A couple of faux Christianfurs who can't make a YouTube video worth a shit. Yes, I've seen your one "effort".

At least you can write worth half a toss, even if you have to use the same words and expressions over and over again to do it.


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