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It's was also "standard protocol" for conventions to release their numbers in a press release or their Twitter (after it became a thing) following closing ceremonies, yet here we are.

I had noted a person had asked about the numbers here:

To me, I am treating that tweet as if I had asked the question myself, and that the failure to respond to said tweet counts as a "no comment". If I ask the question someone else asked and I am given the answer while they were not, then that would make me privileged over the average furry, which has its own ethical issues.

Now, can the system be made better by making it easier for conventions to format post-convention press releases? Sure. And that is something that could be looked into, and could be developed on our end which would probably make the process easier and better for all parties involved.

Basically what you are saying is that I would have to call up a convention every time it closed individually to acquire the numbers, To me if the numbers are released at closing, it's kind of a pain that I have to call them to get numbers they already have but chose not to release to their platforms (all the while they released the other numbers).

If there is a better way to acquire these we'll look into it. It just seems quite odd that in this modern era that I'm going to have to call furry conventions each weekend to do what was done so readily before we even had the internet.

The release of attendance numbers I would find to be more "standard protocol" that was violated more than "contacting person/organization you are writing about" thing. Do you think all the press organization run their pieces by the President before they publish them?


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