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Actually I was gonna say "yiff" but then thought better to just use the word(s) that was used because hardly anyone I knew in those circles used that word unless they were referring to furries in some way. You know, or identifying as one, which it wasn't always a welcome thing to do. I never said cyber wasn't still a legit word, it's just archaic is all.

My point isn't to browbeat you about how I'm a real O.G of tha game and you owe me or Zhora or anybody any kind of respect just for being older. I don't believe that any more than I believe someone like Zhora owes it to you to "guide" or "teach" newer furries. Nobody owes anybody a damn thing here.

If I'm browbeating you about anything it's about a sense of entitlement that, no, Captain Paranoid, I don't associate with a generation to which I myself technically belong. Believe me, I think we don't get a lot of things in life we are genuinely entitled to. I just don't think certain things you seem to be so angry about being denied are among those things.

"Zhora, Zhora, please, put your own life on hold for me so I can be a furry, and make an entire documentary while you're at it", it's ludicrous. But if you're going to be cynical about my intentions I could just as easily say you've just been trying to save face the whole time because you made a dumb argument, got the obvious, expected response of "just because I'm not the one who made the documentary doesn't mean I can't have some valid criticism", in a nutshell, and have been trying to play rhetorical catch-up the whole time.


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