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Consequences that those inclined to troll on the level of you-know-who don't give a solitary fuck about if it means they can keep posting. Look man, I've been banned from a lot of forums in my day. And the reason is usually because I stop giving a shit about showing any level of respect whatsoever to staff who themselves don't give a shit about their own rules except when it's convenient and/or they're in the right mood. That or calling Chase a dogfucker.

But before it gets to that point, I'm usually arguing with people who are really only replying so they can argue with someone about something, and I'm sure you must remember this because you've been on the internet a pretty damn long time, THAT is what the definition of trolling used to be before the standards for online behavior bottomed the fuck out. Now, I feel like I've grown a bit since those days, and that's why I make it a point to just not engage certain people now after a few times. But certain things are always going to set you off like, I dunno, talking about genociding the entire fandom and, something I was thinking about a few days ago:

There's online sexual harassment, there's verbal assault, but then there's speech that to me basically constitutes virtual sexual assault. Like, when you're talking about sexually assaulting someone to their face. And what does the complete lack of moderation result in? People who otherwise wouldn't saying shit that is beneath them for the sake of attacking that person, because they should be attacked for saying shit like that!

But it wouldn't even come to that if there was some moderation. I wanted to say this a while ago. Now, if part of your reasoning is because you can't give anyone but a paragon of virtue any kind of power to ban people for anything but the most extreme reasons because they will abuse the everliving fuck out of it otherwise, I have to admit, I'm hard pressed for a rebuttal there because like I said, that has a lot to do with the animosity I inevitably begin to feel for any forum I join.

But there's something else that needs to be pointed out here. News sites increasingly just don't bother with comments sections. Because for the longest time, they couldn't be bothered with moderation either, but they also realized that a lot of what was being posted had no place on their platform.


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