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The conspiracy theory about "they totally planned to make an apology and reap the attention" is really hard to buy when this isn't a company, it's just one person. They expressed uncertainty about getting their stuff out and hired one other person. Who yes, has a "guerilla marketing" Addy award... which has to be a pointless regional participation trophy, not national recognition. Elite agencies don't work on fandom shit with mere 4 figure budgets.

Meanwhile Twitter capitalizing on outrage is the real nefarious scheme. They design it into their site with the same science as getting users hooked on gambling machines. Outrage gets those wheels spinning like nothing else.

Congrats on falling for it by bashing a poorly-planned hobby project so hard, you'd think it was taking down a white collar criminal.

People have a hard time knowing who to trust and who to forgive because of that, not because a rich kid with an art degree tried to set up to use it, and got crucified by a mob for acting clueless.


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