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I'm not trying to suggest that at least some people didn't feel that way, I'd be more surprised if they didn't. But it'd help to maybe back up these statements with tweets or something expressing that side of the outrage. But there's another side, too. I only found out about this because a buddy of mine from Discord showed me the same screencap of the ad-speak provided in the article and he (and I'm presuming some of his Twitter friends) were mainly pissed at the blatant cynicism behind the rationalization the ad attempts to make for charging as much or more for some glorified partials than what entire suits often go for. And I wholeheartedly agree. Like, as if furries, (being like all consumers at the end of the day according to said "logic"), are so stupid they'll just hear this fancy name and assume it must be legit, and there really is a fursuit equivalent of Louis Vuitton that's worth spending an arm and a leg on to "accessorize" to be part of some elite class that can afford it.

By the way, let's take a look at their logo while we're at it, note the similarities...

The messed up thing is, there's nothing wrong with just selling brand name partials if those partials are name brand, and that's something the market should decide rather than a company try to tell us what the market has decided for us. But tell that to any company these days...

The most ironic thing about this is how to use these for an actual fursuit if that's what you wanted, you'd need to have a "tailor" make the rest of the suit if you want a full suit. So uh, what if that tailor is you? And it's such a stupid distinction anyway when you're talking about fursuits. Fursuit makers are basically equal parts tailor and designer.


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