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That's because it was an utterly pointless reply. Which would be easy enough to just ignore if Equivamp wasn't one of those people that has this compulsion to just poke at people for no damn reason when they do it rather than announce their presence for its own sake in a more benign way. It's probably a good 75% of what she does in the comments section and honestly I'm trying to be generous with that estimate.

If there had been a point though, it'd have been a fair one. The Sonic fandom is definitely its own, self-contained thing but it does overlap with the furry fandom and has for probably at least as long as the internet has had real graphics. I'm pretty sure even FurNation had Sonic fan-art and OCs IIRC.

I guess the movie could possibly give it a shot in the arm though, assuming the Sonic fandom has shrunk after so many years of so many bad games, the comic getting cancelled, etc.


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