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This isn't really a complaint as much as something that just left me scratching my head. This barely qualifies as a furry article and, well, that's something I'm okay with. But what's the bare-minimum of furry content a Flayrah article needs to have and how is that judged?

Anyway, Elon Musk pretty obviously narcissistic. A lot of his type are. And I think that's what's really behind a lot of this because he can't hide it nearly as well as others like him.

But if you work too hard you’ll experience burn-out. And people who are burned out are more likely to make slanderous statements about men who are free to rescue children in a foreign country while they are stuck in an office, helpless to do anything about it. A rested brain might have stopped such a person to think: “We’re all in this together, and we should celebrate those who step up to do the right thing, and it doesn’t have to be me all the time.”

I bolded that last part because that's the crux of it, though not the whole of it. You're mostly right about a rested mind being a more stable one. But there's a lot of unstable people (I should know, I've been there) who simply don't say things like that just because someone told them, as an expert, that they're overthinking something that he (Musk) is not an expert on. Anyone else would want to just let that person do their job. It's not because someone else is out there being a hero and he's stuck in an office. It's because he wants the glory that comes with being a hero without actually having to be one, thinking that directing traffic from an office is just as good, and that's why he gets so offensively indignant when he's shot down. Was it a PR stunt? Yeah, in a sense, but for Musk himself and not necessarily his company. The company is an extension of his ego, and he is just one of the more famous examples of this, and that's where this entire "trickle down overwork" culture you refer to really comes from. It's about control. If your employees are made to feel essentially married to you, like they live and die by your grace alone, not only do they not have time to, say, explore other career options, but you also get to feel incredibly important. And Musk wants to feel exceptional. It shouldn't be some random Britfuck rescuing those insignificant human photo-ops, it should be him!

So, the phrase "we're all in this together", when spoken by someone like him really means "you're all on my team, and on my side", and if there really is no "I" in this team it's because it just doesn't happen to be used in spelling his name. And that's how he felt. He was already part of this operation in his mind and his "colleague" wouldn't just know his place and let the real leader do the leading and so, yeah, he chimped. Hard.

At the end of the day the CEO is but a mortal man. There is only so much they can control and deal with.

An unfortunate reality is much of what makes the difference between you, me, and a CEO, is that you and I don't need a shrink to tell us that, while they often have an army of shrinks over the course of their life either trying a thousand different ways of telling them that, or knowing they can't but saying to themselves, "stroke a billionaire's ego and get a bit richer myself? Fuck it, I'd be stupid not to."


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