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So basically this guy has little to no idea who he even is and uses us in comments sections as symbolic objects from his tormented psyche. Like he's not even really fighting with us, he's fighting with the voices/images in his head and projecting them onto us. That would explain a few things about his style that I found equal parts puzzling and infuriating. My main issue with far too many people in the fandom, above literally everything else wrong with them because it has come to define whatever we have that passes for a "culture" is that long-running discussions with any degree of maturity are all but impossible because people don't know (or care) about the difference between attacking a person's ideas and attacking the person.

Frankly, if most people were honest with themselves, they'd admit they don't care about ideas, they just want someone to attack, to contrast themselves with, because like this guy they don't really know who they are. That's why people never stay on the same side even when there's an obvious enemy in the room. It's why any notion of solidarity in the fandom or "cleaning up the fandom" is doomed from the word go. No one even really wants that and anyone who claims to is rightfully doubted at best and suspect at worst.

So yeah, if you're saying what I think you're saying you have a better argument for ignoring him than anything anyone else has put forward so far, whether or not you're even suggesting we ignore him. But honestly I'm curious about what this guy's history is. Dude wants attention so bad maybe we should give it to him, but, you know, in a more comprehensive, clinical way...


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