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I'm not striving for anything but to be myself. But let me point out something to you, that even our beloved troll here can't. About why furries fail. Because we should be on the same side here, but you can't resist the temptation to be a cunt the moment you see an opportunity or if the mood strikes you. And what sways you either way? When another furry disregards your criticisms of his person or simply just disagrees with you. You might be hiding it under a veneer of subtlety, but you're still chimping out. And then you point to the guy you're really supposed to be opposing, who you just got done telling us to ignore, as if looking for a hi-five. But he's going to leave you hanging.

Because cunts don't have communities, and that's what I've been saying for years, why the idea of a furry community unto itself is a retarded idea. Because most of you are cunts underneath your ridiculous costumes and cartoon characters, and you need to cling to these things because you have no genuine culture or identity of your own.

THIS is how you do it, YOU fucking hack.


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