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I don't see it as a mistake. I'm not embarrassed, ashamed or particularly guilty in conscience about anything I reveal about myself. If I was, I wouldn't divulge. And there's little to nothing left I'm not willing to reveal about myself if it can serve some kind of purpose, which it often can. It's just a matter of where, when, why and how. Someone could dox the fuck out of me for all I care. After several decades of seeing the worst of the worst and the lowest of the low, having shared everything from forums to dorm rooms to apartments with them, frankly, I'm somewhat proud of how relatively normal and sane I turned out to be. Everything in life was pushing me to be much worse than I became. I guess that early-adolescent impulse to always push back just a little bit harder was very necessary.

Playing with this fuck up of a man, the worst analogy I can draw is that it's a bit like Napoleon Dynamite playing tetherball and working on his personal best. But I'll bore of him eventually. I'm just not done yet.


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