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You're not very good at this either.

Even the fucking troll was smart enough to see the ED article he linked too got no reaction whatsoever, so they dropped that angle like it was hot.

You'll also notice the troll mostly posts in short, personal information free comments; do I need to explain this is not an accident? The troll is just trying to get a rise out of us without giving anything away to attack them back; fuck knows if they actually cares one way or another about furries. They're fucking not telling. The correct way to respond is in kind (okay, actually the most correct way to respond is not at all, but, yeah, we're bored too); short, personal information free comments, and certainly not long, personal information-filled confessions.

Note to troll: When I said earlier you're not very good at this, I meant that; you've got the basic tactics down, but you lack a certain amount of wit, and you've not capitalized on mistakes made by your targets here very well.


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