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I'm curious, what's the significance of the 9500 degrees thing? Are we talking Celsius or Fahrenheit? I know in the first instant of a nuclear explosion it's supposed to be even hotter than the sun and I thought the sun was much hotter than 9500 degrees, but again, is that Celsius or Fahrenheit?

Anyway, there's only one number I need to answer your threats with. 450 degrees Fahrenheit. See, that's more or less the answer to the problem you and your ilk have created. We literally just burn whatever horseshit passes for literature to your kind, whether it's print media or digital media.

You people are both useless and worthless and the culture is waking up to that. That's part of the reason it's called Woke. There's literally no shame or anything worthy of guilt in us censoring you and erasing you from the annals of history. I came of age reading Orwell, by the way. So I know what I'm talking about here.

The difference is I didn't originally see it as something to use as an example of how to solve a problem, but at the time, you hadn't become that very problem yet.


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