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I wasn't even going to comment on this article except to say I kinda wish I could go to something like this because it seems like a nice middle ground between a big chaotic and noisy convention and a tiny furmeet where it's probably pointless unless you like bowling. But the only other thing I could think to say was it's all but certain to be free of the sexual hijinx people expect from cons which is also a bonus for many. And I didn't really see much point in throwing my two cents in if all I was gonna do was just state the obvious without having much else to add unless I was going to pull something out of my ass.

And then you come along, and pull something out of your ass. And I get to shove that gloriously cultivated, foot-long prairie dog of a turd right back up in that ass. See, this is really why I post. Because I give a shit, except sometimes, I just don't. And you taking a shit MAKES ME give a shit, right back up into you, and it feels as good as taking a shit myself.

I guess you're good for something!


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