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The Washington Examiner turned a molehill into a mountain based on a single word in a RNCC Tweet. One can ask was necessary for the NRCC to throw out the furry word. Still this much ado about nothing. I find the Washington Examiner more at fault by twisting the RNCC post and for their misuse of the Fur Science 2011 data. Better would be the 2018 statement on sexuality

If anything good, the mainstream press has ignored this story.
I still find fault with RNCC. There are very good reasons to oppose Beto O Rouke, why bring up furry and twist him wearing a mask as part of a band.

Now let say for the record, I became a Furry during the peak of my involvement with the Republican Party (i.e. before Trump). My Fursona is a more conservative than I am, and a Republican Black Bear. I often joke around wanting to be the highest ranking elected Furry Republican and my favorite comic strip is Mallard Fillmore a comic about an anthropomorphic conservative Duck. I see this as just silliness to bring up furry as something negative.


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