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I'm gonna say this to this as honest as I can say,
WHAT THE F*CKING F*CK IS WRONG WITH YOU?! You're ONE of them aren't you (ironically, that was kinda from a Rick and Morty episode, but hey that's a popular show)...

To me, it sounds like diamond man is a cool guy.
Judging by your accusations, I guess "diamond man" is for love and tolerance, likes the multiverse theory, hates the idea of this furry fandom being some kind of government, and hates behaviors like yours. So even if I was him, or even if I was some *gasp* horrible person, nothing really changes anything. This furry fandom ISN'T SPECIAL, but if it was, it would likely have gone down this terrifying route.

Also thanks for further proving my point. *cringes*


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