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Typical that Flayrah has forgotten about Furry Times again.

The Ursa Magor Awards are just a popularity contest because if I write a news magazine and no one hears about it, then how is this award system promoting sites you never heard of before if it's just the same stuff every year? No OwO News either? Dude what gives?

Furry Times has features you will never see here. For example did you know about the fiction story Jack mees a Wolf Boy? Read more about this here: [link goes here]

If the award should go to those with quality writing, then please consider Furry Times.

Not disagreeing with you on the popularity thing, since it is a popularity based award. There was about one article that you released this year that I found useful and had information I didn't know about, which was the rearrangements of the ConSuite, Registration, etc at MFF. Heck I even shared it with people and credited you for bringing it up.

To me, non-fiction is not a contest, as long as it is doing its job to inform the audience.


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