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Ok, here's some extra stuff that didn't make it onto the 2018 Recommended List:


Dramatic Short Work or Series:

Graphic Story:

  • Out-of-Placers, by Valsalia. Set in a comedic fantasy universe, a low-ranking male human guard finds himself transformed into a female of a cat-like species, and is pushed into being a diplomat. Also there's an anthro-insect who thinks humanoids are great to hang out with, but may go violently insane at some point in the future.
  • Atlas & Axis, by Pau, the English translation of the French comic.
  • Captain Ginger, a comic book series by Stuart Moore, June Brigman and Roy Richardson, from Ahoy Comics.

Other Literary Work:

  • Ozy and Millie, by Dana Claire Simpson, a new reprint of the webcomic from AMP! Comics for Kids. (Not sure if it's the whole thing or just a selection.)
  • My Boyfriend is a Bear, by Pamela Ribon and Cat Ferris, from Oni Press.
  • Exit Stage Left: The Snagglepuss Chronicles, trade paperback version of the comic mini-series by Mark Russell and Mike Freehand, from DC Comics.
  • The Complete Angel Catbird, by Margaret Atwood and Johnnie Christmas, from Dark Horse Books.
  • Los Valiants, by Edgar Delgado, from Arcana Studio. I barely found any information about this, but apparently there are two issues already, volume 0 and 1. Looks like it may have been done by a furry, but I've not heard a peep about it.



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