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Always enjoy reading your movie lists. We have some overlap, but most of the movies on your list I didn't get around to seeing yet (your #4 through #9 actually).

My faves of 2018:
10. Isle Of Dogs
9. Annihilation
8. Scotty and the Secret History of Hollywood
7. Spider-Man: Into The Spiderverse
6. I, Tonya
5. First Reformed
4. The Endless
3. Roma
2. Blindspotting
1. Paddington 2

Honorable Mentions
The Favourite
Ready Player One
Mission: Impossible - Fallout
Eighth Grade

So some that made my list might have been late 2017 releases in certain areas (I, Tonya and Paddington), but I am going by wide release dates.

Other misc/fun stuff...

Favorite Actor performances
Ethan Hawke (First Reformed)
Daveed Diggs (Blindspotting)
Nicholas Cage (Mandy)

Favorite Actress performances
Give all three lead women (Emma Stone, Rachel Weisz, and Olivia Colman) in The Favourite a shared Oscar already

Favorite Movie Poster
Isle of Dogs

Worst movie:
Best F(r)iends (although I think this movie was probably intentionally made to be awful)

Guilty pleasure (a movie most critics/audiences hated, but I loved):
The Strangers: Prey At Night


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