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I think a report button can also help discover abuse and remove it.
A lot of websites have such a thing. The risk of "spam" might happen but I'll rather take it. Also I think we need an actual solid legal policy. Not having a clear legal policy and leaving where a bunch of rules are invisible instead isn't really a healthy way of having a website.

Maybe I just don't like having forced labels on my comments. Ratings can cause some issues, like for example, if a good YouTube video had most dislikes, it might discourage people to see it just because of the ratings. Kinda like Rotten Tomatoes, it cause a lot of people who would have liked a legal movie to not see it.
And of course, the ratings system here censors comments.

I'm thinking of making a poll for the pure purpose of research. It would be called "Should comments be deleted if it's controversial?" with a "Yes" and "No", and you can probably easily guess where I got part of the idea from. I won't vote because that would probably damage my research. Not sure if I will even bother with it though.


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