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Ratings force labels on other people promote censorship. Legally protected expression shall not be controlled by popular opinion by default.
You want to express disgust as long as it's legal so bad? You can reply to it.
Ratings do nothing but with little to no expression, allows censorship, and dictates that a comment is "poor" or "not" which can still be debatable, which is not fair to good legally protected comments.

You're like avoiding the argument likely. Comment ratings are not like "showing an expression" with a face, ratings here are usually designed as a judgement here, and worst, promote censorship to good comments for people who are offended. Even if it was an expression, it's likely unfair to the person who showed a good point..
Your comparison stinks. You're defending something that allows censorship and and something that likely forces opinions down the original commenters throat and that is not always good.

No matter what popular opinion thinks on Flayrah, "poor" or "high" ratings do not change the quality of the comment. Nor does it automatically make behavior "bad" or "good".
If many people say "My legally protected opinion sucks", then I have a right to say they are wrong.

If I say "That's not how the law works, and give out a link to the statute proving my point." and it gets rated one star by 100 out of 100 people. Does that make my comment shit? Nope? Does that make my behavior bad? Nope. Nothing changes, and all what really happened is that my freedom of expression is stifled. It's mainly a flawed system, and I'm glad not every website follows this horrible system.
I'm not expecting it to change, and it this might not be a distress to me since there are way better websites out there that doesn't follow it. They are more respectful to legal protected speech.. Flayrah is not supportive to open debate.


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