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It doesn't matter if all this time I was "wwwwarea". I'm just saying.
I'm not even saying I'm perfect, but out of assumption that you try to pretend that I "lost" because of a slight off hypocritical mistake you claim, doesn't prove anything else. It just means, if true, that I was hypocritical at that, and in that theory I go like "OK, what now?" because that's really what it likely leads to in such theory.
This goes back to that agenda I theorize maybe: "Call out old mistakes I've done but don't do anymore as an "excuse" to go against me."
Note: Probably more too.

I think I'm trying to say that the ratings do not change the quality of the content. If your comment is by itself poor, it's poor. If I rate a poor comment poor, it would be more of a match. If I rate a poor comment five stars, it wouldn't be right.


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