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Censoring an act of censorship is more of a fair thing for the sake of not having censorship. Only censorship is fine is if it's blocking out illegal stuff.
You can't believe in non-censorship alone and censorship alone at the same time. If you allow something that alone promotes censorship, then you're allowing censorship.

I'm not saying folding comments violates rights, but when I speak "censorship", I mean the main definition of it. The focus here is that it's disrespectful to the practice of free speech to censor any legally protected speech even if it legally can. If Flayrah actually supports censorship to any legally protected speech in favor of other people's personal feelings, then Flayrah is very disrespectful to free speech, and open legal debate.
The main last part of your paragraph avoids the main problem and probably renders a "Censorship is fine here because Facebook can do it." style of comment. Didn't you show that you respect freedom of expression anyway? Why avoid that argument with the last part of your comment?

Also here's one definintion of censorship:


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