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Whenever I usually debate, I try to follow what makes sense. If something is claimed to be a "flaw", we need to know what actually is a flaw. If "critique" (note that might be a different definition) is subjective, then why do we have it then?

If you want a pedophile to suffer for life, then you're worse than those who want to molest children.
Why? Because "to suffer for life" justifies my claim. Two wrongs don't make a right.

Trying to be part of a group that has many flaws, and likely not accept you is harmful. Being a misanthropic seems to offer more happy energy, and isn't a choice to be a misanthropic (or whatever the correct term is if it's not misanthropic?) in this state because I naturally lead to one due to the thing worse than cancer.

I don't start drama most of the time. That name with "wolf" in it in this one did and so did you (assuming you're a different person). I did not say anything in this group toward any individuals. The same goes for assholes reacting like crap to me because of the fact that Toast shouldn't get a ridiculous punishment. Same for merely believing in morality by believing that all humans are human beings and are all equality important to live a legal happy life.
Just because you're offended by me existing and/or some of my comments doesn't mean I'm "starting" drama.

Also, it's hilarious that you claim I "start" drama, yet you comment here starting shit with me. And no, me replying to you isn't "starting it".

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