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Hey, just chiming in to say even though I probably wouldn't bother making an account to comment, it'd be worth me not being able to comment here to stop some people from shitting up every discussion. Mainly DiamondMan lately but there's been others less recently. I couldn't help but read that DA journal about his one-man crusade against Flayrah with the stupid little badge like anyone on DA gives a fuck about Flayrah if they even know it exists. People need to go the fuck to Twitter or some place. That's where all your online bullshit was supposed to go when it was invented and it's why sites in general started doing away with things like comments sections.

And the drama now exist here, because of you, Wolf-Bone (visitor) posting what I'm block quoting..
And just because you're so offended by certain debates I've made doesn't mean it's "shitting" up a place.
And yes, this website is more of a cult. So far, the "conspiracy theory" that this is overrun by a lot of emotional assholes causing abuse is still strong likely.


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