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Hey, just chiming in to say even though I probably wouldn't bother making an account to comment, it'd be worth me not being able to comment here to stop some people from shitting up every discussion. Mainly DiamondMan lately but there's been others less recently. I couldn't help but read that DA journal about his one-man crusade against Flayrah with the stupid little badge like anyone on DA gives a fuck about Flayrah if they even know it exists. People need to go the fuck to Twitter or some place. That's where all your online bullshit was supposed to go when it was invented and it's why sites in general started doing away with things like comments sections.

I'm starting to understand, accept, and even agree with what the internet has turned into as far as being a mostly one-sided, top-down model where users have little to no means of interacting with each other or the authors and would be perfectly okay with Flayrah getting with the times. The truth is, I feel dirty using some sites, and a lot of the time it's not even the site's fault as much as the other users. When someone calls that site a cult, and you've actually been in a cult, this is that kind of "triggered" the media and a lot of self-styled SJWs don't anticipate and in a lot of cases don't even understand. It makes you not want to use the site, even though there's nothing all that wrong with the site AND YOU KNOW THAT.

So requiring accounts will lead to even less interactivity than there already is, which itself might lead to there just being no comments in practice (I notice nowadays even on relatively well-known, mainstream news sites that still allow comments, those sections sit barren more often than not), and I for one am PERFECTLY HAPPY with that possibility. I'm not overly cynical or pessimistic, because for the longest time I HATED the direction "Web 2.0" was taking us in, but it became harder and harder to maintain my bitterness towards the emerging reality the more I reflected on the old reality; that we had about 2 decades to collectively tell the internet what we had to say, and we pissed the entirety of it away on stupidity. So now, the internet and the companies that create it, rightfully are no longer interested in what we have to say.

THAT BEING SAID, a lot of people who would normally be commenting, should probably be writing or creating content themselves for the amount of effort and thought they put into it.


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