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"I think you're trying to say there's an objective measure of quality, based on the construction of argument, and therefore if you're making well-reasoned, well-constructed arguments, you should be rated highly."

Indeed, that is what it means for a comment to be a positive, high-quality comment. The structure of the argument is, overall, more important than the conclusion. A comment with a strong argument that comes to the wrong conclusion because of a lack of something unknown is a better comment then one that gets to the correct conclusion through a fallacy. That is because the first one can be followed and will improve if the evidence improves. The second comment is only right by chance but could just as easily be wrong. In the long term that is less reliable.

Quality is not in the eye of the beholder. It is an objective measure. You could disagree about what should be measured for quality but it is not subjective. Like if a car has better fuel economy, breaks down less often and has a stronger engine, it is higher quality than a cheap, popular car that only lasts a year.

If you really want the comment rating to reflect how many people agree with a comment then perhaps stop using a 5 star system. That is something that implies quality but you explicitly state that you aren't interested in the quality of the comments but in how many people agree with them. Then you should rather switch to a thumbs up, thumbs down rating system. You'll still have a system which punishes deviation from the majority but at least it will honestly reflect that the rating measures agreement and not quality.

"If all mankind minus one, were of one opinion, and only one person were of the contrary opinion, mankind would be no more justified in silencing that one person, than he, if he had the power, would be justified in silencing mankind."
~John Stuart Mill~


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