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I was thinking about polls like this. I do think it should be restricted to polls like this.
I can't really agree with the "accountable for their actions" that large though.
I for one mainly respect any right to privacy as the law allows a lot, and for the sake of avoiding identity for the safety of other people including but not limited to: avoiding bad discrimination, and avoiding other inexcusable things (e.g. harassment?).

I remember having to deal with some unnecessary by refusing to identify myself for the safety of my life. Since there wasn't any fair reason to drag me into trash I certainly do not want to deal with anymore. For example, a specific drama that I no longer want to be part of.

Of course if we're talking about the possibility of banning people for bad behavior, I think several websites has the power to ban people's IP, and in one case the law might catch those bypassing such ban anyway (I've heard something about this.). I do think account requirement is more useful but then again, I have a feeling it won't make much of a difference for a specific reason.


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