Personally I don’t care, I receive Flayrah posts via RSS feed and only see comments when I open movie reviews or what not in browser.
From what I’ve seen most sites that require an account such as any major news sites are trying to prevent bot comments. One of the tech sites I follow,, restricted comments to registered users last year due to troll comments. The restriction cut down on troll comments, but it also cut down on site visits and as a byproduct cut down on ad revenue so they rolled back on comment restrictions. Anyone who intends on making a troll, advertising, or inflammatory remark anonymously doesn’t have much barrier as anyone can make a throwaway email and account.
Personally I don’t care, I receive Flayrah posts via RSS feed and only see comments when I open movie reviews or what not in browser.
From what I’ve seen most sites that require an account such as any major news sites are trying to prevent bot comments. One of the tech sites I follow,, restricted comments to registered users last year due to troll comments. The restriction cut down on troll comments, but it also cut down on site visits and as a byproduct cut down on ad revenue so they rolled back on comment restrictions. Anyone who intends on making a troll, advertising, or inflammatory remark anonymously doesn’t have much barrier as anyone can make a throwaway email and account.