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While some may point to recent behaviors as the reason I am asking, this question comes from a decade of experience on this website.

More often than not, while anons are effected by comments just as much as anyone else, there are psychological factors that needs to be consided:

1) Anonymity causes confusion of identity:
a) Even if someone create a count exclusively to comment on a particular story it will be easier for those interacting with said 'throw away' account to know when that same account is responding.

2) Anonymous accounts tend to be spammers (in the literal sense, people trying to sell things and not ideas).

3) If someone is passionate enough to provide information on a subject manner they can go through the account making process as it is not too difficult/inconvenient.

These things have always been an issue, and I believe while there are work around such as making multiple accounts, such behavior would be more reality viewable by the user engaged with that user by viewing the profile.


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