Counterpoint: this is flimsy smokescreening and petty contrarianism. Doctored videos are as easy to detect as to make, even simply by the weight of context. There has never been a serious case of false accusation in fandom based on a flimsy premise like that.
We saw this tactic in action with Kero the Wolf's "hacked" defense, where the story kept changing and one by one every defense fell apart.
But the sad result was gullible kids, con artists, and complicit creeps playing "skeptic" past the point of farcical, and capitalizing on cultivated ignorance. A big mess of bullshit that hurt everyone involved except those reaping views. It was what I've taken to calling Toxic Acatelpsy, and that's the juice that runs many Youtube careers.
Acatalepsy, in philosophy, is incomprehensibleness, or the impossibility of comprehending or conceiving a thing. Acatalepsy is the incomprehensibility of all things. It is the antithesis of the Stoic doctrine of katalepsis or Apprehension.
That isn't just value judging how their company runs, that's alogrithmically designed. Emphasizing activity that's agnostic to content is why Youtube is the favored platform of white supremacists.
It's incredibly fucked up and capitalistically psychopathic. Fandom needs to reject it if it wants to maintain a line between a proudly independent fandom and the shittiness of corporate content (and there is a line). "Corporation with a conscience" is a thing in the regular world. Fandom can do that even better.
FC is speaking for the fandom with a better standard, and they'll be remembered for it. Their lawyer is a sweetheart BTW.
Nobody is going to sue anybody and only an idiot who doesn't understand torts would try the mental gymnastics to propose it.
Counterpoint: this is flimsy smokescreening and petty contrarianism. Doctored videos are as easy to detect as to make, even simply by the weight of context. There has never been a serious case of false accusation in fandom based on a flimsy premise like that.
We saw this tactic in action with Kero the Wolf's "hacked" defense, where the story kept changing and one by one every defense fell apart.
But the sad result was gullible kids, con artists, and complicit creeps playing "skeptic" past the point of farcical, and capitalizing on cultivated ignorance. A big mess of bullshit that hurt everyone involved except those reaping views. It was what I've taken to calling Toxic Acatelpsy, and that's the juice that runs many Youtube careers.
That isn't just value judging how their company runs, that's alogrithmically designed. Emphasizing activity that's agnostic to content is why Youtube is the favored platform of white supremacists.
It's incredibly fucked up and capitalistically psychopathic. Fandom needs to reject it if it wants to maintain a line between a proudly independent fandom and the shittiness of corporate content (and there is a line). "Corporation with a conscience" is a thing in the regular world. Fandom can do that even better.
FC is speaking for the fandom with a better standard, and they'll be remembered for it. Their lawyer is a sweetheart BTW.
Nobody is going to sue anybody and only an idiot who doesn't understand torts would try the mental gymnastics to propose it.