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I don't think I said you're all fully supporting it 100%.
In many comments, including the "Toast" article reporting that he's arrested, you, and many other long time Flayrah fans has always joined together against me. It doesn't mean 100% you all have the same exact beliefs, but however many of these things are so close that there is something very common here.
I always get rated down by the active majority on that topic, and every single comment has shown support against my main beliefs here.

The same happens on this article. There is like 3 different guests and many members, insulting me, and so on. And even though I don't see a clear confirmation that "you all support FC's rule", there are several things exposing that many likely do. Or at the very least, most people on here are against treating ex offenders just as important. I've seen several comments on here against my main idea repetitively.

I've also (on both articles) see what's his name gets completely bashed just for pointing facts, research, or anything that might even SLIGHTLY hint that the person is in agreement with me. Helping my point more of my "conspiracy" theory.
Plus you even attacked me months ago when I was criticizing what's his name on a free speech topic by randomly talking about that certain porn subject out of nowhere. (WTF!)

More like what? By not criticizing many people's certain points?


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