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And another another thing, anyone crying "witch hunt" about such a policy change is being ridiculously ignorant. Now for a real one you could look back to the 1980's Satanic Panic for an actual figurative example of that happening, such as with the Fells Acre daycare trial - some of the most expensive prosecution in history with no results. Nothing even remotely resembling that is happening here or anywhere on social media.

The 80's was pre-Spotlight when religious people weren't looking up to their own authority figures, while making fanciful conspiracies about ritual abuse. But now we have seen the waves of news about corruption up high and are much better prepared to know about it. And while fandom doesn't have popes or priests it does have people like Kahuki of RMFC, who owned the con he wasn't allowed to chair, and let Foxler use it for a doormat (foxler admits to sex chat with young teens.) Or then there's the ring rumored to be inside Bad Dragon with a lot of clues such as the founding connection to Doug Spink. It happens here.

Great example of it in higher places, Kero and his 100k subscribers.

Now show me an example of anyone in the fandom with a sex offense conviction who was "witch hunted". How about Lupinefox in the PA sex abuse ring, who was acquitted? Nah, he wasn't "slandered" by fandom, he was (at first credibly) accused by the victim and has a clean record. RC Fox? Nope again, his social media accounts were closed before things came out, I was offered access to his private messages but no evidence of bullying or whatever. Sisk? Possibly the only half relevant example in the entire fandom, and the exception that proves the rule; even here only one side is very easy to read, and if she did happen to be banned from a con but have opportunity to go, well, FC explained they are taking these case-by-case and presumably that makes opportunity to appeal to them.

Miss me with that "witch hunt" baloney. The good part about all this is the extreme stuff is very rare, so even if it gets attention it doesn't mean the whole fandom is tainted or at risk of such a policy being applied very often.


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