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Thank you for your support. I'm embarrassed to say I continued to engage Diamond Man to no effect, even when I tried to be sympathetic to him. I guess I'm just human. His direct attacks on me and my column hurt and are way over the top. I'm apparently worse than child molesters and murderers. I'm sorry I ever read these comments and tried to give input on a serious topic, only to be attacked repeatedly. I don't think I'll be offering any comments to Flayrah from now on, if this is what I can expect. This is why I moderate my Facebook groups so vigilantly, as well as my askpapabear website.

Taking my own advice, I must consider the source. Diamond Man is irrational, and I really shouldn't be bothered by what an irrational person thinks, try as I might. Well, I'll just add this to my experience in the fandom with trolls, which gives me material for my column, right? LOL.


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