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Quote: "You're disgusting Papa Bear, you are one of those people who encourage suicide. If you seriously believe people should suffer for a mistake they don't do anymore, you're just as bad as a child molester, and I won't apologize for saying that." You also shared your posts on multiverse.blogspot Papa Bear Grubbs hurts the furry community: telling people not to read my column and that I'm a horrible person. WTF??? "I don't remember specifically insulting you"???? Good God.

Yes, you said you had autism. Avoid mentioning you? You're all over the place in this list of columns. Mentioning you had autism is "support to these type of trolls"? Huh?

It's funny how your main rant was that we shouldn't tell people what to do, yet here you are, telling me what to do. You're right that I should stop getting sucked into this argument. My bad.


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