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Point 1 to Anonymous: He confessed in his column that he has a past offense. Therefore, while he acts as if he is protecting the rights of other felons and feels they should have forgiveness and be allowed into furcons, he is actually just doing this for himself. Obviously. If it helps, I forgive you if you are truly repentant.

That is a terrible argument. If I (regardless if I've made a federal sexual offense or not) say everyone should be forgiven for any possible mistake, it means everyone, regardless of if such person is doing this to himself or herself, or not. Seriously that is disgusting, especially since "caring" is always in a way "selfish". You have to care about yourself in order to care about others for a lot.
And where did you see anyone confessing any past?

Point 2: Let's say an ex molester or other violent attacker is allowed into a con and one of his victims is also there. Imagine the horror that victim would experience. Do they not deserve respect and consideration, or we should just give that to the former criminal? If given the choice between letting in a victim and letting in her former attacker, I sure as hell would side with the victim, who deserves to feel safe.

But again, action doesn't define people. And your personal argument is also for victims who would feel terrible just by simply letting the "perpetrator" out of prison. Are you gonna support legal life imprisonment without the possibility of parole and/or the death penalty just because some victims are strongly horrified of not violating the person's rights to live and be free?

I do support letting a victim not allow a "perpetrator" in his or her own home, but however a victim does not have a right to control where the victim goes in other places the victim does not own unless expressed by law (e.g. a legal restraining order allowing such victim to do that), no matter how much the victim feels.. Note: I don't call people who already legally payed for offense a perpetrator.

Point 3: Anon is right that we should try to forgive people of their past. But a furry convention is not the place to test this out. While it is true some people truly change their ways, it is unreasonable to put the furry convention and all its attendees at risk to see whether or not the particular felon they allow in has seen the light. Forgiveness can be sought in the churches, temples, family homes, and therapist offices. A furry convention is not the place. If you seek redemption, Anon, go beg forgiveness from your victim. Then seek counseling.

But having a furry lifestyle is very important. You don't have a right to force your opinions down people's throats who demands a right to enter social media and/or conventions. You're really disgusting if you support taking away hope for many furries who "aren't" perfect to other people who really changed. And the "risk" thing applies to every person. It makes no sense to act as if someone who's changed is "more risk" than those who are "perfect". There is no evidence in between.

Last point: Violent actions have consequences. In this case, one of the consequences might be that you are never accepted at a furcon again. Feel bad about that? Maybe you should have thought about consequences before you raped, beat up, or killed someone. The fact that you may be banned from a furry convention (really, the LEAST of your worries), is a reflection on you, not other furries. Don't blame them for the consequences you suffer.

You're disgusting Papa Bear, you are one of those people who encourage suicide. If you seriously believe people should suffer for a mistake they don't do anymore, you're just as bad as a child molester, and I won't apologize for saying that. Consequences are not always right, and it is 100% the other furries fault for choosing to refuse to give other second chances. Especially if someone who's made a mistake had mental issues (which might be less of a choice), and was young.

You're 100% no more important than those who's made mistakes. Especially since it's very impossible to be "innocent" these days.
So honestly "Papa Bear", you're not a good person.


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