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You, on the other hand, are an insult to every victim of a sex crime or other violent crime.

You're an insult to every open minded person and every victim that is on the sex offender registry. You don't have every single right to say that I'm an "insult" to all those victims, especially since it's not the victim's right to ruin other people's lives. Justice is not about revenge.
If someone commits suicide because you decided to judge them over something they don't do anymore, I hope the victims of the person who commuted suicide SUES YOU.

Threatening me and my column just shows what kind of person you are. Patch (below) is correct. You're a troll.

What threats? That I'm leaving? That I'm warning many ACTUAL HUMAN BEINGS who just need help to move on to follow the law from your site, and warning those people to get true, and more better help to those that truly care about all of humanity?
You're the troll..
Fixed maybe.

Also, you are against hope Papabear. You don't seem to give hope to those who's made a mistake, where many of those people has suffered, committed suicide, has been threatened, and worse all because they were put on some sex offender registry over something many people don't do anymore.
You're closed minded. And BTW, it looks like there is a blog post warning other people of your site. Troll or not, and regardless if you think I'm the same person or not, it doesn't matter. It's a pretty damn good read.


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