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If you were brave enough to give your actual name, Anon, I might think you were sincere.

You do not need to show your name in order to make a valid argument or be sincere. Some arguments alone already stand regardless of "who", "where", "why", and many more.

As it stands, I have to wonder whether you are supporting them because you are sex offender yourself.

Let's say for example, that I was the worst person in the world who's made a mistake, but at the same time, does that change any of the facts? There are still people, who regrets, and maybe some of those people who regret just want to stand up for human rights.
In other words, registry or not, that doesn't change any of the arguments here.
To depend on that is a huge fallacy and I would say "papabear", that you're not more important than those who's made mistakes. There are several sex offenders who regret, and showed several valid arguments, and when you depend on such a huge valid argument, all you're doing is encouraging some people to hide their own identity.

First of all, we are not talking about juveniles; secondly, I despise the argument "I made a mistake." No, unless you were insane, you knew what you were doing when you attacked the other person. That's not a mistake; it's a deliberate act.

First of all, there isn't any actual statement saying it involves only adults.
Second of all, I'm not talking about "accidents". When I say mistake, I mean it's an error act regardless of intention of mind. People can learn from their actions and not anything wrong again.

You, on the other hand, are an insult to every victim of a sex crime or other violent crime.
You're an insult to every open minded person and every victim that is on the sex offender registry. You don't have every single right to say that I'm an "insult" to all those victims, especially since it's not the victim's right to ruin other people's lives. Justice is not about revenge.
If someone commits suicide because you decided to judge them over something they don't do anymore, I hope the victims of the person who commuted suicide SUES YOU.

Threatening me and my column just shows what kind of person you are. Patch (below) is correct. You're a troll.
What threats? That I'm leaving? That I'm warning many ACTUAL HUMAN BEINGS who just need help to move on to follow the law from your site, and warning those people to get true, and more better help to those that truly care about all of humanity?
You're the troll..


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