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You realize this is an issue with all cons, not just FC right? Guesses -

- The problem is rare with small numbers of people that hasn't merited specific language before. Cons are probably hitting scale where formal policy is helpful beyond just having organizers confer in private.

- cons work on a shoestring by community volunteering and don't build in extra security, there could be other costs like insurance for liability, and background checking everyone isnt feasible.

- they're in between their attendees and hotels where they lack power to just kick people out of hotels (even if they arent allowed in the con itself), and want to keep hotels happy and not taking responsibility for that.

- banning one person can put them in a "damned if you do damned if you don't" position, with dumb people screaming at them on social media or comment sections of furry news sites, others with that person may get burned (say if they are dealers with helpers or handling a full hotel room), and people like to make threats about suing the con for money liability or "defamation" (which are just a headache even when toothless), meaning it's best for them not to talk to you about it unless it's need-to-know.


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