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Oh please, just because you serve time doesnt absolve you of your history. You serve time because you committed a crime and broke a law. The con is not required to admit anyone who seeks admission. Is it ok to put a convicted pedophile who has served time in a day care center? Its ok cause he served time right?

In a sense, yes. Justice is about changing people to be law following people. Plus, many people are furries which is part of their life. It promotes harm to not allow people to be legally be happy for the rest of their lives. If you don't accept someone as a person because of a mistake the person doesn't do anymore, then you're a bad person..
How would you like it if your own son made a mistake and wants a job and a carrier, would you support what you say then?

What is wrong was committing the crime in the first place. You have a record for a reason, when you serve time for a crime it's not forgotten but forgiven. The same applies in real life, you could be forgiven but its not forgotten. You do the crime then you must deal with the consequences.

It's not really "forgiven" if you by default not ever accept people in a legal group because of a past. You don't have to forget it, but acting like this shows lack of forgiveness too. Not all consequences are "justice". Treating someone like crap because of an old mistake never desired again is never OK.

More harm? This only effects the offender and only applies to them because of their crimes or behaviors. It's not the con's responsibility to fix them, it's their responsibility to protect their attendees.
Their second chance is not being in jail forever, serving their time and being released is their second chance.

Yet, people's lives deserve to be happy legally. When a job, and/or carrier doesn't accept people, it promotes harm.


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