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Cultish, yes, it often is. Practically all subcultures are. As for autistic, well, a lot of furries are, but a lot of society in general is, and I don't see it as a blight on society the way KiwiFarms does and their hatred towards autistics and pretty much everyone who isn't them is itself exceptionally cultish and is a big part of the reason far more of my comments reference them than cults or autism. As for my beef with you, it's that you're essentially a pesky mosquito that can't just fuck off and go away when it's obvious I do not, will not, and can not ever take you seriously ever again after repeated experiences telling me that it's not worth my time or energy to do so.

Zoosadism =/= furry, though I never claimed they were mutually exclusive. And what's pitiful is you would never in a million years allow for that if it meant admitting you might've been wrong about someone or something, even at the cost of looking like the kind of person who conflates zoosadism and furry.

Even at the cost of looking like a zoosadist sympathizer yourself. That's why I think you're mental. Well, that and what's already widely available about you to anyone who Google's your name.


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