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It's not clear that he was locked up or what happened. The authorities in Cuba aren't the most transparent and their laws may not have provided sufficient reason for arrest (not that it stops them...) Although if he didn't go to prison, he may have been sent to a mental institution (which is far from likely to be better.) It can even be hard to get news because negative stories can risk being treated as treasonous and journalists or institutions who speak up can face backlash.

I'd been trying to get more info by contact to the CEDA group and they were willing to help, but their internet access isn't easy at all, so they weren't able to keep in touch with me. I'll go nudge them again though and see what I can find out.

One of the most amazing aspects about this is how happenings in the furry fandom actually provoked a citizen protest against a nation's government to amend it's constitution for animal welfare laws. (The CEDA group that helped get Ruben's dogs into foster homes helped to lead it, IIRC.)


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