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Then those furries are strongly terrible people and it would be so damn clear that the furry fandom is an irrational soc__lism propaganda then.

There is nothing fucking wrong with having that wolf god sexuality preference, and there is nothing wrong with a "pedophile" getting a second chance in life to stay a legal life while getting any necessary legal help to be less of a pedophile.

You can't claim that the furry fandom is the "most open-hearted" when they, and if true, are perfectly fine with discriminating against harmless and non-threatening personality. If you dare say you're the "most open-hearted" minded person, then go out and attack me because I prefer a harmless sexual fantasy and/or believing in human rights for criminals, then guess what? You're a hypocrite.

By the way, I say human romance is gross because they find my thing gross and act like their personal opinion is fact when it's not. What I might say directly to it might be hypocritical, but I only express my disgust as an attempt to prove a point.


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