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I think furry in some way is basically an identity in some people just as much as being homosexual (but it might be different in some other way) because for example, the way I'm a furry is the same set that causes me to think mainly different and have many different preferences. I say this as in, it's a huge part of a main identity. Full identity is probably just "human with a set of personalities" and if you mean that then oh, but it still doesn't change how important furry is as a huge part of someone and sometimes I might mean that by "furry identity".
As for things that are wrong, I do not consider "act" an identity though, and if a "bad identity" itself, then I hope that person doesn't go out and does something bad.

For last part:
Certain fetishes are a huge part of a sexual identity, and it's part of how I became furry and my fantasy and "fetish" is what made me really happy with some furry expression. Yes, I do consider that part of my identity. It's not furry itself, but it might have lead me to it which in one direction is the "same" as being furry.
I don't think what I personally prefer is "twisted" and "shit", and because my fetish is a huge part of development, and if harmless and non-threatening, I think it's just as important as being homosexual or close enough.
And I don't want to be "separated" in a group being accepting of those into harmless and non-threatening stuff.

Anyway, if we decide to make furry as boring as possible, it would just be ruined mostly.
Furry is a main identity for many and separating a lot of that is probably just bad.


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