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Let me make another point but as a reply to my comment without trying to reply directly to anyone else:
If the "furry fandom" tries to get rid of "part identity", "sexuality", "fursuits", and "fursonas", in order to become mainstream, then the furry fandom will officially mainly be ruined. Period.

Considering furry fandom being "special" like all those four things, especially " part identity" is what made it so mainly interesting. If we turn it into a souless direction by turning it into a basic sci-fi main fandom like how there is mainly a basic main fandom for Futurama, it would then be ruined mostly, and probably a lot smaller too and more people would suffer since at least one of these four things is part of what made them find many anthropomorphic characters interesting.
If many furries are gonna be more lost and less accepted, then we should maybe we should stop using the label "furry" then.
Furry sexuality, furry identity, fursona, and fursuit are not required to be a furry, but it's a huge part of the "fandom" and is what made so many people express the love of many anthropomorphic animals.

At this point, it's "better" to not become mainstream and that it's better to grow on it's own as a separate community and fandom mainly. Going "mainstream" at this time would be terrible.

Also not saying the main fandom of Futurama is souless, and that fandom is already mainly fine on it's own. Furry is not meant to be like that though.


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