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Yes, it's incredibly condescending. Not that "coping mechanism" is entirely invalid, it's just shitloads of things are part of a person's broader coping mechanism. But no one calls someone maladjusted for obsessively collecting stamps. Unless a show like Criminal Minds or a series of reality shows starts creating a kind of moral panic around stamp-collecting serial killers or something. I think people need to learn to think like "er, sorry, who you talking about again?" when others try to explain them for them. They gotta learn what certain buzzwords mean and then learn to firmly reject the wrong labels. "Oh, you're an artist, it must be because you're AN INTROVERT". Like, sorry, who the fuck you talking about? I have shitloads of friends, we hang out all the time, and it actually gets in the way of being an artist sometimes. How the hell do I fit the stereotype then? But people just ALLOW themselves to be labelled for some stupid reason.


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