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Be careful if you think the whole furry fandom is open about sex. I once openly expressed myself being more likely to prefer "plush" for some anthropomorphic four legged characters, and part of this website attacked me for it and acted like I'm different than those who likes ugly sh*t from that one dragon site.

Society in general is probably even worse. Fursuiting, even without sex is likely still gonna be considered "weird" like it's a bad thing. Hell, if you go in and say that there are more than two genders then mainstream media likely panics more than panicking over an earthquake resulting in over 30 deaths. One thing I think is very likely true though is if society decided to change their ways to become accepting to all harmless and non-threatening sides of the fandom, then furry in general might become mainstream.

Though if we have furry accepting groups right now, I think they need to be open and accepting to those who do have consensual legal sex in such costumes. It's possible even some of those groups can criticize the way society thinks by suggesting how dumb it was to freak out over the idea of fursuit and sex.

And I think certain furry groups really need to stop trying to "be accepted" if they are gonna keep excluding those who are actually part of the fandom. Especially with flat out lies saying "furries don't have sex in costumes" (because that's claiming every fursuiter doesn't). Not only this is insulting, but might make some part of our main society be surprised that there are people, probably a lot of people who are sexual about some anthropomorphic characters.

Note: I'm not the one who rated your comment one star. Worry you might think that.


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